Google AdWords and Why You Should Use It

Google AdWords and Why You Should Use It
- 01 Sep 2014
Every business wants a fast, easy, and effective way to advertise their business. Whether big or small, local or international, advertising your business efficiently will grow your customer base, and in return, grow your revenue. One of those effective ways is through Google AdWords®. Google is an advertising giant, gaining thirty–three percent of all online ad revenues this year. Out of the top ten largest ad publishers in 2013, Google’s revenue was more that the other top nine combined. So, logically, it would make sense to spend advertising dollars with a company that statistically everyone is using, and here’s why.
First, you need to know what AdWords is. AdWords is an effective way for any type of business to advertise online. Online advertising is fifty-four percent more successful at generating leads, compared to TV ad’s success rate of one percent. AdWords gives you more control over where your ad is seen, and how much you pay to advertise. Your business only pays when a potential customer clicks on your ad. Your business ad will appear on Google search, various websites, on mobile phones and tablets, and even to people who live in specific areas you want to target. Google ads reach ninety percent of all Internet users.
Where your ad is positioned is determined by your “Ad Rank.” That rank is determined by relevance and how much per click you are willing to pay. This ensures that just because you have a small business, that doesn’t necessarily mean a bigger business will always be on top. If you can improve your “Quality Score,” which is an estimate of how relevant your home page, keywords, and ad are to what the consumer is searching for, then you can lower your cost-per-click, or CPC.
Businesses average for every dollar they spend advertising using AdWords, they make two dollars in revenue. There are numerous advertising outlets available, but using AdWords is the most beneficial. Overall, it is fast, easy to manage after setup, and best of all-it works! We at MediaLinkers are here to serve all of your Internet marketing needs. Contact us so that we can get your business started with AdWords today!
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