Google Dances Again, but Penguin Still not the Likely Cause


Google Dances Again, but Penguin Still not the Likely Cause

  • 18 Jan 2016
A lot of webmasters observed changes in the search engine results again this weekend. The cause of fluctuations last weekend was due to a core ranking algorithm update, later confirmed by Google. However, this time, Google hasn’t yet confirmed the reason for the fluctuations caused again. The SEO forums and social media pages are receiving a lot of queries by SEOs and webmasters regarding the changes.

Same is the case of the automated tools, which are reporting large bars through their interface.  On the end, John Mueller and Gary Illyes have again replied to everyone assuring in negative when referred towards the Penguin update.

In fact, the answer by Gary Illyes on Twitter was a plain no, to the question; “Is Google rolling out the Penguin update?” posted by many SEOs and website owners.

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Right now, no one is clear about the cause of these major fluctuations again. Whether these are changes in the core update again or some other update on its own is something that will be revealed over time. For now, all the signs pointing to a new update are still not enough to point towards the mighty Penguin update.

Here are some charts from the various tracking tools: Images credit Search Engine Roundtable

Images credit Search Engine Roundtable


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