Google Further Explains What the Part of “Core Algorithm” Means


Google Further Explains What the Part of “Core Algorithm” Means

  • 22 Jan 2016
Google integrated Panda update as part of its core ranking algorithm last week. This news created a lot of buzz in the SEO world. Everyone kept guessing its impact on the search rankings as no clear answers were given regarding what it really meant. However, now you just have to stop guessing, as Google has released more information about the “core update. “

The core update means that the algorithm is good enough to work on its own and to keep up with the future trends and changes, without requiring a lot of manual monitoring.   Google’s Andrey Lipattsev, answered a lot of questions clearing the confusions of many SEOs and webmasters in a Q&A session.

According to him the core update doesn’t mean an entirely new functionality but is simply an improved part of the ranking algorithm. He further explained it with this analogy:

Think of it like the cars of the past that required the users to start them manually using certain tools as they didn’t come installed with the engine starters. Today, a lot of cars have in-built petrol engines and no manual work is needed to start them. The overall idea is the same but things have become more convenient.

Connecting it Google Panda, he further added that the basic concept of why Panda was introduced by Google has not changed; it has been tested to work in the past and is now part of the core algorithm update. In other words, any update that comes to a stage to work 100% on its own without requiring any changes simply becomes a part of the core algorithm. Check Andrey Lipattsev Video for more details.

The webmasters and SEOs need not to worry about it if they are using pure white hat link building tactics. You can also contact the Medialinkers SEO team to handle the SEO campaign for you.